The Trondheim Student Scout Group (TSSG) is a group of people who sometimes do cool stuff. Many of us have been or are scouts, but it’s not required that you are. We have meetings each Thursday in the semester and we also go on trips in the weekends from time to time. Out meetings are open for anyone, so don’t hesitate in contacting us.

Meetings and trips are announced on Facebook and usually we communicate by Discord.

We also have a cabin where we go on trips to and which it is possible to rent. More information about the cabin may be found on the link on the menu on the top of the page.

What happens: Spring 2024

All of our meetings happen on Thursdays and generally start at 18.00. The final information about the meetings are announced by Facebook, Discord or email when we’re getting closer to the dates.

Thursday meetings

25. JanBoardgames and BridgeBendik
01. FebGeneral AssemblySamund
08. FebSkitrip to EstenstadhyttaGustav
22. FebPubquiz and PizzaIngrid and Brage
07. MarKugler og kæglerSamund
21. MarWaffles and Wailing (read: singing)Sindre
25-31. AprEaster break
04. AprPaint and SipAnna
18. AprPutting and PilsnerSamund
02. MaiClass struggle and Cozy-time (aka. BBQ in the park)Bjørnar

Weekend trips

People also arrange spontaneous trips, so if you need more cabin in your life, join us and run into the forest!

426-28. JanIntro tripSchæfen
716-18. FebBirthday trip (for the Cabin)The Board
1008-10. MarTripSchæfen
1405-07. AprTripSchæfen
1512-14. AprDBFF (Duddelibu Filmfestival)Schæfen
1726-28. AprNational Student Scout GatheringNSF/KM

Recent events